Dr. Arrigo Calzolari
CNR-NANO Istituto Nanoscienze, Centro S3
email: arrigo.calzolari[at]nano.cnr.it
phone: +39 059 2055627 | fax: +39 059 374794
url : amuse.nano.cnr.it | www.nano.cnr.it/?mod=peo&id=136
ORCID: 0000-0002-0244-7717
Present position & appointments
- Since Apr 2023 - Adjunct Professor Dept. Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, NC, USA
- Since Jan 2023 - Review Editor for Frontiers in Nanotechnology
- Since Oct 2010 – Researcher CNR-NANO S3 Modena, IT (permanent staff)
- Since April 2015 – Member of Center for Extreme Materials, Duraham NC USA
- Since Jan 2016 - Review Editor for Frontiers in Physics
Previous positions
- 01/2019 - 04/2022, Coordinator of EU H2020-NMBP project INTERSECT
- 05/2013 - 03/2015, External collaborator @ SISSA, Trieste, IT
- 11/2012 – 12/2014, Adjunct Research Professor Physics Dept., University of North Texas, Denton TX, USA
- 09/2009 – 09/2010, Democritos Simulation Center, CNR-IOM, Trieste, IT. Researcher, permanent staff.
- 06/2007 – 08/2009, CNR-INFM S3. Researcher (fixed term).
- 03/2003 – 05/2009, CNR-INFM S3, Modena, IT. Postdoctoral fellow.
- Mar. 2003, PhD in Physics. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. Supervisor: Prof. E. Molinari
- Jul 1999, Degree in Physics (cum laude), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. Supervisor: Prof. C.M. Bertoni
Scientific Activity
Author of more than 140 original articles in journals and 8 scientific review articles and book chapters abstracted by ISI, including Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, NanoLetters, ACS Nano, Journal of American Chemical Society, Advanced Materials, Chemistry of Materials. H-index 47, (source: Google Scholar Feb 2025). Invited speaker at peer-reviewed internationally established conferences. Invited lecturer to international workshops and advanced schools, and invited seminars in international scientific institutions.
Main national and international collaborations
S. Curtarolo (Duke Univ. USA); D. E. Wolfe (Penn State Univ. USA); W. G. Fahrenholtz (Missouri Univ. USA); A. Boltasseva e V. Shalaev (Purdue Univ. USA); N. Marzari (EPFL, CH); M. B. Nardelli (Univ. North Texas, USA); P. Ordejon (ICN2, ES); A. Rajca (Univ. Nebraska, USA); B. Casu (Univ. Tubingen, GE); M. Fornari (Central Michigan Univ., USA); S. Cueff (CNRS, FR); E. Della Gaspera (RMIT, AU); M. J. Caldas (Univ. de Sao Paulo, BR); B. Kaczer (IMEC, BE); M. Ziegler (Tech. Univ. Ilmenau, GE); T. Virgili (CNR-IFN IT); S. Corni (Univ. Padova), M. Ortolani (La Sapienza, IT).
- 2023-2025 Participation to MUR-PRIN Project https://open-model.eu AMONIX
- 2023 -2025 Participation to https://open-model.eu ICSC - National Centre for HPC (NextGenerationEU program - PNRR)
- 2021-2025 PI of EU H2020-NMBP project OpenModel
- 2019-2021 Coordinator of EU H2020-NMBP project INTERSECT
- 2019-2022 Participation to H2020-FETOpen project iQubits
- 2018 DAAD fellowship project
- Participation to scientific projects funded by regional (Laboratorio Regionale Emilia Romagna NANOFABER 2005-2007), national (PREMIALE EOS-2015, PRIN-2008, PRIN-2006, PRIN-2004, FIRB-NOMADE 2003-2006) and international (EC NEST STREP “Prosurf” 2006-2009; EC IST FET-Open “DNA-BASED NANODEVICES” 2006-2009; EC IST FET-Open “DNA-BASED NANOWIRES” 2003-2005) agencies.
- Participation/coordination to/of supercomputing projects-Coordination/participation of/to supercomputing projects [including PRACE 2012-13 (EU project), ISCRA 2010-2011, DEISA 2008 (EU project), CNMS-Oak Ridge 2011, CINECA 2001-2009].
Teaching and advisory
- Co-Supervision and training of undergraduate and phd students and postdocs
- Hosting of students and postdoc collaborators
- Courses: (i) General Physics: Electromagnetism, Mechatronic Eng., University of Modena and Reggio E. (2018-18); (ii) 2015 School of Graduate Studies in Physics and Nanosciences, Univ. Modena. Class: “Quantum Transport in Nanostructures”, (iii) 2002-2007 Teaching assistant, Informatic Engineering, Univ. of Modena. Class: Mechanics and Electromagnetism; (iv) 2001-2002 Teaching assistant, Physics, Univ. of Modena. Class: Introduction to quantum mechanics.