Alessandra Catellani - Senior Researcher

Dr. Alessandra Catellani
CNR-NANO Istituto Nanoscienze, Centro S3
email: alessandra.catellani[at]
phone: +39 059 2055626 | fax: +39 059 374794
url : |


Present position & appointments
- 2012 -> Senior Researcher in CNR-NANO, at the S3 center in Modena

Previous positions & Education
- 2002-2012: Senior Researcher in CNR-IMEM, Parma
- 1988-2001: researcher at CNR-IMEM, Parma
- 1986-1988: researcher at CNR-Corbino, Roma
- 1984-1986: associate researcher at the Ecole Polytehcnique Federale de Lausanne
- 1981-1984: associate researcher at the University of Modena
- March 1981: Laurea degree in Physics at the University of Modena

Visiting Professor at the Ecole Polytehcnique Federale de Lausanne (CH), and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (CA-USA)

Scientific activity
Author of more than 100 articles in ISI-journals, and invited talks to peer-reviewed internationally established conferences; supervisor of graduate and undergraduate students; reviewer for scientific peer-review journals; reviewer of FP7, MIUR, CNR projects. Member of Conferences Organizing Committees of conferences and schools (ECOSS, SiC, Nanowiring)
AC coordinates/participates to research and supercomputing projects including: ITN-Nanowiring, FP7; DAFNE, Bank Foundation; FIRB LATEMAR, MIUR; MADESS2, MIUR; Finalizzato Trasporti, MIUR; PRACE-preparatory access (2012); DECI-DEISA project (psi-Wat-2008); and a number of medium-scale projects within ISCRA framework (CINECA, IT).
